Peripheral Nerve Stimulation Therapy
Peripheral Nerve Stimulation Therapy
Wireless Peripheral Nerve Stimulation is a novel technique designed to relieve pain caused by a damaged peripheral nerve, including intercostal, dorsal scapular, and ilioinguinal nerves, resulting in chest wall pain, back pain, or pelvic pain. The wireless peripheral nerve stimulator is the smallest implanted stimulator system, introduced through a needle under X-ray or ultrasound guidance. The external wearable antenna transmits power wirelessly to the stimulator.
Who is a candidate for the procedure?
You might be a candidate for peripheral nerve stimulation if you experience chronic pain induced by a damaged peripheral nerve.
Is the therapy effective and covered by my insurance?
Yes, peripheral nerve stimulation is very effective in relieving chronic pain related to peripheral nerve damage. The procedure is approved by FDA and covered by most insurances, including Medicare.
How is the procedure performed?
The procedure is performed in two stages. The trial stage includes temporary placement of two wires close to the pathway of the damaged nerve. The leads will be programmed and connected to an external battery. You might feel a buzzing sensation, replacing pain, in the affected area of your body. The 4-5 day trial allows time to determine the effect of the treatment. If you gain greater than 50% relief during the trial, you are a candidate for permanent implantation. Once implanted, the leads will be wirelessly connected to a wearable antenna attached to a small external battery. The procedure is performed in our surgery center under IV sedation.
What are the complications of this procedure?
Although complications are uncommon, they may include:
- Lead dislodgement
- Failure of therapy
- Infection or bleeding
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Patient Referrals
Center for Pain Medicine is accepting new patients. Please download the referral form and fax to 701-551-6984.